I partner del consorzio del progetto europeo Erasmus+ MIND INCLUSION 2.0 hanno sottomesso un paper per l’International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education – INNODOCT 2019 che si è tenuta a Valencia dal 6 all’8 novembre 2019.
Il paper intitolato “Accessible co-creation tools for people with intellectual disabilities: working for and with end-users” ha ricevuto il premio come BEST PRESENTATION.
Congratulazioni a tutti i partner che hanno contribuito al paper!
Rosa Almeida, Raquel Losada Durán, Teresa Cid Bartolomé, Andrea Giaretta, Alice Segalina, Anna Bessegato, Simone Visentin, Sandra Martínez-Molina, Jorge Garcés, Valentina Conotter, Davide Lissoni, Dana Migaliova, Natalija Olėsova, Aidas Gudavičius, Miguel Lancho
Di seguito l’Abstract del paper in lingua inglese
In a world defined by rapid change, the search for solutions to societal challenges has become more complex calling for new paradigms of innovation focused on collaborations with the community and users. Co-creation approaches in the design and production of a service or product can bring low-cost innovation and unique and personalized customer experiences leading to user acceptance of a product or service.
Under a co-creation perspective, the participatory approach developed in the MIND INCLUSION project aims to improve the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities into public places and society by using a co-created online tool based on personal experiences of people with disabilities. Paying special attention to the Design thinking method, the main goal of this experience was to co-create cognitive accessible design tools that guide the collection of users and other stakeholders experiences in the process of defining problems and solutions. To this end, 14 researchers and educators worked defining together a set of guiding exercises and design thinking methods for the 4 co-design cycles.
As a result two tools were developed to gather information to recreate as a final output “personas scenarios”, an “empathy map” and expected “use scenarios”. The former was an adapted game board about public places based on the traditional monopoly game and the latter a diary with a set of activities that will facilitate the collection of contextual information.
Previous experiences have shown that co-design process can promote greater social cohesion, acceptance and empowerment. Working with people with intellectual disability presents several challenges since the co-creation process needs to be cognitive accessible. However, the tools created under this experience can be extrapolated to other contexts.