CAPTAIN 7th meeting

CAPTAIN project, 7° meeting

The 7° meeting of the European Horizon2020 CAPTAIN project Consortium took place in Munich from the 24th to the 27th of February. With all the partners involved in the project we arranged to meet in the Bavarian capital to prepare for the last challenges of the project, which has now fully entered its final year. During […]

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Best Presentation Award at the INNODOCT conference

The partners of the European project Erasmus + MIND INCLUSION 2.0 submitted a paper for the International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education – INNODOCT 2019 which was held in Valencia from 6 to 8 November 2019. The paper entitled “Accessible co-creation tools for people with intellectual disabilities: working for and with end-users” received the BEST […]

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News IPA2 bilingue

IPA2: new Erasmus plus project

IPA2 – Inclusion of People with Autism in Europe. Improving scholar transitions from primary to secondary school On the 1st of October the Erasmus plus IPA2 project officially started. The project is funded under the call KA201 – Strategic Partnership for school education and involves a partnership composed of 6 entities from 5 European countries. […]

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MIND INCLUSION 2.0 3rd Meeting in Trento

In these very days, the partners of the Erasmus plus project MINS INCLUSION 2.0 are in Social IT headquarters for the third project meeting.   Project objectives Mind Inclusion 2.0 is an ambitious European project addressing the difficulties and barriers that often prevent people with disabilities from feeling at ease in public spaces. In order to achieve these goals, the […]

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Mind Inclusion 2.0_first training

Mind Inclusion 2.0: first training

From the 25th till the the 28th of March, educators from the Mind Inclusion 2.0 consortium will meet at the headquarters of INTRAS Foundation in Valladolid (Spain) for a training on the use of co-creative methodologies to engage disabled people in the local community.   What is Mind Inclusion 2.0? Mind Inclusion 2.0 is a […]

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CAPTAIN project: 5th meeting in Lausanne

The 5th meeting of the H2020 CAPTAIN project took place in Lausanne (Switzerland). From the 4th to the 7th March, partners met for two days of technical meeting and two days of plenary meeting. During the firsts two days, technical partners discussed about the architecture and the design of the components of the CAPTAIN e-coach system, the smart assistant for […]

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Presentazione standard1

Erasmus+ project Mind Inclusion 2.0

On November 1st, the Erasmus+ project Mind Inclusion 2.0 has officially begun.   Mind Inclusion 2.0 is founded by the Erasmus+ program under the call KA204 “Strategic partnerships supporting innovation”, in the field of adult education. Social IT will work on the project along with 5 partners from 4 European countries (IT, ES, FR, LT) […]

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Conferenza Stampa CAPTAIN_ott18

Press Conference of CAPTAIN project

This morning, at the Villa Rosa Hospital in Pergine, a press conference was held to present the European project CAPTAIN, which involves APSS, University of Trento and Social IT, together with many other European partners. The project was presented by the three Italian scientific directors: Dr. Giovanni Guandalini, Medical Director of APSS, head of ABILITA […]

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4thCAPTAIN Meeting Leeds

CAPTAIN project: 4th meeting in Leeds

The 4th meeting of the H2020 CAPTAIN project took place in Leeds (UK). On Tuesday 4th September, technical partners met to define the last details of the hardware and software components that will comprise the CAPTAIN system, and which will be used in the Living Labs to co-create CAPTAIN technologies together with end users (AGILE methodology).The next day, Wednesday 5th September, the […]

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Progetto senza titolo (2)

CAPTAIN project: workshop on methodology and presentation to the territory

Last week, at the premises of the Villa Rosa Rehabilitation Hospital in Pergine, two workshops were held within the CAPTAIN project. On May 23rd and 24th the workshop took place between the project partners on the Agile methodology in Living Labs. Two days of discussion on best practices to define the common methodology to be […]

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