
Big alliance for hi-tech health


The Health Innovation Hub Consortium was created with the aim of aggregating the best best local and national competences in a laboratoy of ideas for the innovation of health and social services. The vision behind the HIB constitution is to foster the creation of new opportunities for the companies working in Trentilogo-health-innovation-hubno, through the construction of a general network among public and private entities, as well as research centers and Universities, thus forming a solid structure able to be competitive both at a national and international level.

The final goal of the HIB will be the design of highly innovative health and social services, deeply integrated with the best ICT technologies, encouraging and stimulating the collaboration among all the partners operating on the territory. This will help in making the Autonomous Province of Trento a reference point for the innovation of health and social services, both at an Italian and European level.

Download the pdf of the news published on the local newspaper “L’Adige” (in Italian).