
Social IT acquires Meeva Srl benefit corporation

We are happy to announce the acquisition of Meeva Srl Benefit Corporation, a spin-off of the Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK). Meeva specializes in the development of Virtual Reality (VR) solutions aimed at enhancing social and emotional skills in neurodiverse youth (e.g., individuals with autism or ADHD). This acquisition marks a significant step toward integrating advanced digital technologies […]

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7 new European projects

7 new European projects for Social IT

We are thrilled to announce a major achievement that marks a new chapter in our history: our involvement in seven new European projects. These include three Horizon Europe initiatives, one IHI (Innovative Health Initiative) project, one ESF (European Social Fund) project, and two Erasmus+ projects. For Social IT, securing seven projects in just one year […]

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Kick off CARAMEL project

Horizon Europe CARAMEL Project Kicks Off

Cardiovascular disease is a leading health challenge, especially for women in menopause, a group often underserved in preventive care. That is why we are thrilled to announce the launch of CARAMEL (CArdiovascular Risk Assessment via multimodal data analysis enabling personalised prevention strategies targeting MEnopausaL women): an ambitious Horizon Europe project that aims to revolutionize cardiovascular […]

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VITALISE pitch Clinic Event

Elevate Your Pitching Skills: join the VITALISE Pitch Clinic Event

The VITALISE project team invites you to participate in the upcoming Pitch Clinic Event, an online gathering tailored for researchers seeking to refine their pitching prowess and attract potential investors with impactful research outcomes. This event, organized by VITALISE, will take place on the following dates: February 13th, 2024, from 3:00 to 5:30 (CET) February […]

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Work@ble: 2nd Transnational Meeting of the E+ project

The first on-site meeting On  October 27th  and 28th  2021, the 2nd transnational meeting of the E+ project Work@ble – Digital job coaching for disadvantaged people took place in Tallinn, Estonia. After a year of online activities due to Covid-19, the project partners have met in person. The meeting was attended by the representatives of […]

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INTenSE C1 Training

The Erasmus+ project INTenSE: the first training

The on-site training From  12 to 14 October 2021, the first training of the project INTenSE – Improving demeNtia care Through Self-Experience took place at Dublin City University, in Dublin. After a year of meetings and online activities due to Covid-19, the project partners for the first time met in person. In addition to the […]

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CAPTAIN: the end of the H2020 project

The final event  The H2020 project “CAPTAIN: A Coach Assistant via projected and tangible interface” has come to an end after 4 years of activities. A final dissemination event has been organized virtually on June 28th, whose recording is still available on YouTube at the link:  The objectives  The CAPTAIN project was funded within […]

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IPA2 4° meeting transnazionale

IPA2: The 4th Transnational Meeting of the E+ project

The 4th transnational project meeting of the Erasmus+ project was held on the 27th of April. The meeting, initially planned to be in Belgium, has been actually held online due to the covid-19 pandemic. The representatives of the partners discussed the next steps to be implemented in relation to the work plan and the current state […]

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Work@ble Kick Off

WORK@BLE: the Kick-Off Meeting of the new E+ project

On the 22nd of April, the Kick-off meeting of the new E+ project “WORK@BLE - Digital Job Coaching for Disadvantaged People”, coordinated by Fundación Intras, has taken place online with the participation of the representatives of the 6 partners of the consortium. WORK@BLE aims at developing new tools and innovative methodologies to support persons affected by mental […]

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Vitalise Kickoff

VITALISE: the launch of the new H2020 project

The kick-off meeting of the new European project VITALISE, acronym of “Virtual Health and Wellbeing Living Lab Infrastructure”, was held the 19th, 20th and 21st of April 2021. The project has been funded within the framework of the EU programme for research and innovation Horizon 2020. The representatives of the 19 partners coming from 11 […]

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